Northern Michigan Snowmobile Recreational Real Estate
Fall is here and some northern Michigan cottage owners close up their property till next spring, others will come back to the cottage all winter long as the snow falls and the snowmobile season swings into action.
I was in Grayling the other night visiting my son Josh Carlson and found him with his head under the hood of his Yamaha 3 cylinder sled that he has tweaked many times. I understand the sled rides like a Cadillac and runs like the wind! I have never driven it as I do not want my arms extended longer than they are or pulled out of their sockets!
Click on the arrow “Hear One Hot Sled”

Sled Head
Sled Head Advice By Josh Carlson
Here is a rundown of what I’ve been up to on my sled. With nearly 9000 miles on the engine it was time to check out the top end and at least put new rings in. I found the ring end gap to be out of spec as were all three pistons. Two pistons were .002″ undersized and one was .003″.Yamaha only allows .001″ wear on the piston skirts so you can see that mine were all out. The cylinders checked out as the nicasil coating is very hard with .0005″-.001″ wear which is ok. I honed the cylinders and reassembled the engine with all new pistons, rings, wrist pins, wrist pin bearings, circlips and all new gaskets. I also peeled two layers out of the head gasket for more power and throttle response. This is a little tricky on the 700 Yamaha engines. I cleaned the carbs, cleaned and serviced the primary and secondary clutches and am having the shocks rebuilt as this is something that should be done every couple years or 4-5000 miles. The skid frame is a Fast m-10 which I extended from a 121″to 136″ a couple years ago, this is a very worthwhile upgrade with greatly improved traction, flotation and ride quality. Lastly I changed the oil in the chain case as I do annually and checked everything out and gave everything else a general once over.
Check out Josh’s blog!
When sledding the trails in northern Michigan you may see homes and cottages for sale. The sale prices of properties are at all time lows, it’s a great time to buy with listing inventory high and prices low. Take a look at my home page for hundreds of listings to see, then give Ken a call at 989.240.0970 for more info.

Northern Michigan Has Hundreds of Miles of Grooomed Trails
Are you looking for trail maps? There are dozens to choose from.

Dreaming Of The Next Trip North To Snowmobile
Have you been thinking of coming north? With winter almost upon us get your sled and family together and come north to experience the best time of your life!
***********************Check out snow fall reports and information ************************
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