Higgins Lake

Aerial View of Higgins Lake in the Summer of 2008.(Picture taken by Gerald Doutt © 2008, Use without permission is prohibited.)
- Higgins lake has been called the 6th most beautiful lake in the world
- Higgins lake is the 10th largest lake in Michigan, with over 21 miles of shore line, and a surface area of almost 10,000 acres
- The lakes crisp cool waters are home to one of the best trout and cold water fisheries in the country, with a south basin of 100 feet and north basin of 130 feet in depth. Higgins Lake is approximately 4 miles in width and 7 miles in length.
- Because of the lakes rare beauty, lobed geographical design, and pristine colored waters, Higgins Lake attracts many people to vacation and live on its lake shore and near shore areas. Real estate values have traditionally had steady appreciation and will continue to do so because of the limited lake resource.
- The water quality of Higgins Lake is “oligotrophic” which means an environment that offers little to sustain life. It derives etymologically from the Greek oligo (small, little, few) and trophe (nutrients, food). The term is commonly utilized to describe bodies of water or soils with very low nutrient levels. This is the reason why Higgins Lake is so desirable and attractive for recreational use.
Please help preserve the wonderful state of our lake! Help preserve the lake and your property investment. If you need further assistance, you may call Ken Carlson for an analysis of how your lifestyle activities may effect Higgins Lake and preserve Higgins Lakes waters for generations to come. Download Waterfront Yard Care for Healthy Lakes Guide

Aerial View of Treasure Island at 5500 feet in 2008. (Picture taken by Gerald Doutt © 2008, Use without permission is prohibited.)

Aerial View of Higgins Lake in the Spring of 2009. (Picture taken by Gerald Doutt © 2009, Use without permission is prohibited.)