Archive for Real Estate Tips
Is Your Listed Property Selling In Todays Competitive Real Estate Market?
Selling your property in today’s market is a challenge. When you are contemplating putting your home up for sale, make sure it is ready. When you decide to move and list your home for sale, your home now becomes the house you are marketing. Your home reflects your personal taste, your family pictures, and your […]
Coveted Home Owner Tax Deductions Preserved
Now that the Stimulus Package is law, taxpayers and the professional critics are posting comments about who has won and who has lost. The mortgage interest deduction, and the sale of your homestead exemption of $250K/$500K came through the legislative process intact. I have scanned HR 1, the Stimulus Bill and found many items that are wasteful […]
Real Estate Buyer’s Get UpTo $8,000 For Purchase Of Home
The final stimulus bill increases the first-time home buyer tax credit to $8,000 and eliminates the repayment requirement of earlier legislation. In addition, the credit is available to first-time home buyers for the purchase of a principal residence on or after January 1st of 2009, until December 1. Most of the mechanics of the credit […]
I Own Two Homes And Can’t Sell The First One, Here’s Tax Relief
With the economic down turn, some families are finding it very difficult to pay taxes on two homes. The house that they used to live in may lose the property tax homestead exemption because they filed a new one on the home they are living in now. If you are one of the thousands of […]
Investing Cash In Discounted Foreclosures
Northern Michigan is poised to make investors a great return on the money they are willing to invest in foreclosed, bank owned, tax reverted and auctioned properties. RealtyTrac a web based information service shows Roscommon County during the month of January, with estimated foreclosed properties selling for up to 53% less than other non-foreclosed properties. The […]